This refers to the projected return on investment you will receive as an investor in the real estate project. Payments are made monthly, directly to your account, ensuring a steady and reliable income stream.
Credit your account
1. Invest
From $100 invest in our latest real estate projects.
From $100 invest in our latest real estate projects.
2. Wait
In just 30 days, start receiving your returns!
3. Earn
Every month, earn money to cash out or reinvest!
Guarenteed ROI?
This refers to the projected return on investment you will receive as an investor in the real estate project. Payments are made monthly, directly to your account, ensuring a steady and reliable income stream.
Créditez votre compte
Le solde de votre compte est insuffisant pour investir.
1. Investissez
À partir de 10€ dans n'importe quel projet de la plateforme !
2. Patientez
30 jours, le temps de recevoir votre premier versement.